====== Getting your SteamID ====== As a server requirement, please make sure that the Discord account **and** Steam account connected to your allowlist application is correct at the time of applying. If you find that your Discord account **or** Steam account changes, please open a new [[https://discord.com/channels/170236324257726473/874231489989074975|#contact-support]] so that Community Managers (CM) are able to work on restoring your access to TRP servers. When you need to enter your Steam ID into [[https://discord.com/channels/170236324257726473/866272779862016020|#steam-64-ids]], follow the steps below in order to collect the ID and post the ID into the channel. - Find **Steam** in your system tray. - Right-click the **Steam** icon in your system tray and select **Settings**. - {{:gta:trp-steam-settings.png?nolink&300|}} - From the **Steam Settings** pop-up, click onto the **Account Details** button while you’re on the Account tab. - {{:gta:trp-accountsettings.png?nolink&300|}} - This is where you’ll see your Steam ID. Paste this into [[https://discord.com/channels/170236324257726473/866272779862016020|#steam-64-ids]]. - {{:gta:trp-steamid-reveal.png?nolink&500|}} If you are having trouble with getting your **GTA Allowlisted** role, please wait until TRP staff look further into this for you and reach out in [[https://discord.com/channels/170236324257726473/170236324257726473|#welcome-general]] on the Discord.