====== TRP Rules & Guidelines ====== TRP is an RP community built around six core pillars: **safety, inclusivity, collaboration, story, fun, and friendship**. The custom developed servers hosted by TRP are intended to facilitate unscripted, lore friendly, and authentic roleplay. Our expectation is that players work with us toward the core pillars of our community by utilizing the following rulesets. ===== Community Rules ===== //Community Gameplay and Player Conduct rules apply to all players, regardless of the server(s) they’re allowlisted on.// ==== Gameplay ==== //These are rules that apply to on-server actions and conduct for all TRP Curated servers.// **1. You are not your character.** No Meta/OOC * No out of character (OOC) action or communication on server. Players must remain in character (IC) at all times. * IC conflict must be resolved IC, on-server. * If rule violations occur, players must remain IC to the conclusion of the scene and then file a player report. [[https://playtrp.com/consent-and-safety/|(See Consent and Safety Guide for safety exceptions.)]] **2. Roleplay Before Bloodshed:** No RDM (random deathmatch), KOS (kill on sight), VDM (vehicle deathmatch). * **All Player Vs Player (PVP) conflict** must be initiated with sufficient RP interaction to ensure the targeted party recognizes they're being threatened, and has an opportunity to respond and impact the outcome of the scene. * This rule goes hand in hand with CR 3: Powergaming is prohibited. **3. Powergaming is prohibited.** All on-server actions must be collaborative. * Do not, through use of mechanics, rules, external information, or roleplay, create scenarios your character or group can't lose. * All participants in a scene must have the opportunity to impact the scene's direction and outcome. * Participants in crime or PVP conflict must provide counterplay opportunities. **4. Stream sniping is prohibited.** * Presence in a streamer’s chat while on the server will be assumed as evidence of stream sniping if there is a complaint submitted by the streamer. **5. Glitching/Exploiting is prohibited.** * Use of game mechanics (intended or otherwise) to gain an unfair advantage is considered exploiting (e.g., using known bugs or using game features in inappropriate and unintended ways). * Logging out during conflict (“combat-logging”) is an exploit example. **6. Voice Communication:** TRP servers use VoIP for RP communication. Players must use a microphone that sounds clear, without interference, peaking, or excessive background noise. * No external communication with other players while on the server. * Music played on-server must be DMCA compliant. * /me is a tool to communicate character actions that otherwise can't be seen, not an alternative to using voice communication. * You could: "/me writes: You ok?" * You could **//not//**: "/me You ok?" * /mu is an accessibility tool for **//players//** who can't speak. It indicates the character is speaking. * You could: "/mu w You ok?" * See the “Chat Commands” tab in the [[rdr:getting_started|Getting Started guide on the TRP Wiki]] for guidance on using this feature. ==== Player Conduct ==== //These are rules that establish boundaries regarding the ways players conduct themselves and engage with each other across all TRP community spaces (servers, Discords, social media).// **7.** RP that violates the Twitch Terms of Service (ToS) and Twitch Community Guidelines is prohibited. **8.** Players and their characters **must be 18 years or older**. **9. Players and characters must communicate fluently in English.** * If alternative languages are utilized for RP, English translations must be provided. **10. Players must join the [[https://discord.com/invite/playtrp|TRP Discord.]]** Players who are not in the TRP Discord cannot be allowlisted. * Usernames in all TRP Discord should be formatted to include both player username and character name(s). E.g. “Kaypocalypse | Strange, De Vere” * TRP highly recommends enabling 2FA on Discord and Steam accounts. Hacked accounts are liable for indefinite termination of allowlist approval. **11. No account sharing.** The SteamID and Discord Username provided in the allowlist application provide allowlist access to one player only. * Any changes to players’ Discord or Steam accounts must be reported to staff immediately via [[https://discord.com/channels/170236324257726473/874231489989074975|#contact-support]] to avoid allowlist suspension. **12. Community Manager (CM) actions via Discord Ticket must be responded to within 24 hours.** * TRP CMs will never contact you regarding TRP related issues via Direct Message (DM). All TRP CM communication is done via private tickets in the [[https://discord.com/channels/170236324257726473/874231489989074975|TRP Discord]], so there is both oversight and permanent record of the interaction. Players are encouraged to take screenshots of the ticket before it’s closed for their own records. * In the event of allowlist suspension, return to play is not permitted until CM action has been acknowledged in the Discord ticket. * Players who leave the TRP Discord in response to CM action that results in warning or suspension will be permanently suspended as a result. * Players who leave the TRP Discord before CM action can be taken on pending player reports are subject to serve any suspension time on their return before being re-allowlisted. **13. Be respectful of other TRP players;** personal insults or attacks outside of roleplay are strictly prohibited. * Disparaging, defamatory, discriminatory, or derogatory commentary about other players on stream, in chats or elsewhere will not be tolerated. If you have a concern that someone broke a community or on-server rule, see CR 14. * Any player caught harassing or bullying another player in TRP community spaces or other social media/gameplay platforms will be permanently removed from the TRP allowlist. * TRP does not actively monitor social media accounts or non TRP Discords, however if harassment/bullying is reported to us we will take action accordingly. TRP does not moderate direct messages between players **//except//** when a player is reporting harassment/bullying therein, and has provided screen shots of the full DM interaction. **14. Rule violations must be reported** when they’re encountered on TRP Servers or in TRP curated community spaces (E.g. Discord, TRP Twitch Channel). * Make use of the appropriate tools and Discord channels to report issues or request support. * [[https://playtrp.com/report/|Player Reports]] are submitted at [[https://playtrp.com/|PlayTRP.com]] * Reports against staff are submitted via the TRP discord in the [[https://discord.com/channels/170236324257726473/874231489989074975|#contact-support channel]]. **15. Content Restrictions:** * **Extreme Violence:** OOC consent must be obtained through Discord between all parties **//before//** torture/mutilation RP. Descriptions (verbal or /me) cannot be overly descriptive or gruesome. * **Hanging and scalping are not allowed.** * **Diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric conditions is not allowed.** * Limited exceptions apply to characters specifically licensed, trained, and approved by the Chief of Medicine/Director of Medical Services. * Inquiries regarding medical licensing and training can be directed to the Chief of Medicine/Director of Medical Services (first step on your journey will be to discover contact information IC on server). * **Prohibited Topics:** Roleplay and references to the following topics, both verbal and written, are absolutely not permitted by TRP or allowed on any of its servers, Discord, or other hosted services and may result in a permanent community ban: * Racism, hate speech, slurs, or portrayals of hate crimes * Misogyny or sexism * Suicide or self-harm * Characters under 18 * Pregnancy, abortion, or miscarriage RP * Erotic Roleplay (ERP); especially anything actually or inferred to be non-consensual * Slavery RP **16. Discord Rules:** * You must follow Discord’s ToS * Advertising of any sort will not be tolerated unless given explicit permission from a CM. * Do not spam the bot. He has feelings too, ya know. * Offensive/NSFW names and avatars are not allowed and will result in a warning. * Staff have the final say in what is allowed. They have the right to remove posts as they see fit. * Player and Staff DMs are not moderated by TRP; Players and Staff are not required to permit DMs from anyone. If you need to DM another community member for any reason, you should ask and receive permission first in a public channel. ===== GTA Server Rules ===== //The GTA Server Rules apply to conduct and actions on TRP’s FiveM server in addition to the Community Rules.// **1. You must value your character’s life, freedom, and the lives of others (including NPCs)** by taking risks appropriate for your character and roleplaying authentic consequences. * This ain’t your average NVL rule, folks! **Taking a high-risk action must result in reciprocally high consequences should you fail.** * This coincides with CR 2 & CR 3. **2. Hostages cannot:** * Be taken from outside of the district of the crime (no taking hostages in Paleto for Legion Square Banks). * Be willing accomplices of those committing the crime. * Be Baited - Calling taxi/garbage/mech/pd etc. to get a hostage for a crime. **3. Super Groups must open a Super Group Agreement** in [[https://discord.gg/xXeWAUB8U4|TRP's Group Discord]]. Super Groups include: * All groups (families, gangs, criminal or civilian enterprises) with 8 or more participants. * All groups based on existing GTA 5 lore. * A designated group leader should be chosen to open the group's agreement. **4. Players are not allowed to play a serial killer (SK) without a SK Agreement.** This is to assure players have the support needed from the CM team to accomplish their story. SK Agreements are requested in [[https://discord.gg/xXeWAUB8U4|TRP's Group Discord]]. **5. PVP Conflict Restrictions:** //PVP Combat is any interaction between characters that poses a risk to their physical safety. This includes physical assault of any kind, and vehicle pursuits.// * All parties must ensure their group size does not exceed their opponent's group size by more than 2 participants. * This does not apply to Mechanical Crimes (See crimes listed in SR 7) * Example group sizes: **1v3, 2v4, 3v5, 4v6, 5v6, 6x6** * This includes auxiliary players (hood medics, ems and supply runners). * If the limit is indirectly breached by creating conflict at a business or other public spaces, parties not directly involved must prioritize valuing their lives and not engaging. * Just because you can have +2 doesn't mean you always require it. Continued abuse of the +2 advantage will be treated as a rule break. * The maximum group size in PVP Combat is 6 per party. * This is a good time to review CR 2, CR3, and SR 1. **6. NEW LIFE RULE:** On incapacitation (i.e. you see a respawn timer and or prompts to “Call an Ambulance” or “Respawn” on screen), no memories from the moment of incapacitation until revival can be retained by the character. * If the player uses the “Click E to Respawn” option, OR is respawned at the nearest hospital after the respawn timer expires, the character cannot retain any memory leading up to their incapacitation. * Permanent death isn’t required for any reason and is the sole decision of the character’s player. * Once a player chooses to RP permanent death for their character, the character can’t be brought back to the server unless a server lore wipe occurs. **7. Heists are limited to 4 criminals with exceptions listed below.** * Maze Bank, Pacific Standard, Bank Truck, A and S Class Vehicle Boost **may include up to 6 criminal collaborators**. * Heists are to be considered as all mechanically-supported crime. For free-form, roleplay-based criminal activities, adhere to conflict rules. **8. Brick and Mortar locations:** * Players can only own 1 brick & mortar location. * Groups can own multiple brick & mortar locations. * Each location must be owned by a different character. * Groups cannot own multiple businesses of the same type. * NOTE: SSA building will still remain two separate locations owned by two separate groups.