
Business Resources

Starting a business can be an exciting venture for your character in the world of GTA. We try to make the process of starting a legitimate business as easy as pie. The process begins by pairing up with a lawyer or paralegal to start the paperwork and paying off a one-off business license fee to the Department Of Justice (DOJ). There are different business types across the State of San Andreas that you can set up a business case for and pitch to someone at the DOJ, ready to be addressed at the next open court for approval.

By default, all organizations are unregistered. They could be used to roleplay out a savings account, perhaps a little cheeky money laundering or a place to keep your cash for the time being. It can also be used to have pools of money with friends or associates while also maintain a fleet of vehicles that are owned by your registered (or unregistered) organization.

There is a fair bit of responsibility when it comes to operating a Brick and Mortar business in TRP. Your character would be responsible for hiring, maintaining business operations, as well as business activity. TRP Community Managers (CMs) and the ownership team perform an activity check every month to monitor businesses and how often they are open.

If you’d like to know which business locations around San Andreas are available to place your interest, contact a lawyer/paralegal so they can check that for you. Once you’re able to confirm that the location you have in mind is available, Create a web ticket with the following:

  • Name: Leave this as your name.
  • Subject: Mention what the business exterior is and that this is a Brick & Mortar request.
  • Email: Leave this as is.
  • Discord Username: Note down your Discord Username (not the display name).
  • Steam ID: You can find this through the Getting your SteamID guide.
  • Category: GTA.
  • Type: Brick and Mortar app.
  • Other information: Add your pitch to your ticket.

You can have registered organizations that are associated with mechanics that are specific to what your business fulfills in the server. For example, If you're going to have a tow business, you need to be a registered business with the “Tow” registration associated with your organization. These can only be acquired through being a registered organization.

You can use organizations as a way to store cars, a way to create a 'savings' bank account amongst other things. If you're into the crime life, you'll find that this is a great way to take inventory of your assets and overview of who your people are.

Go into the “Job Tablet” (Hit F2 to open it) and you’ll be able to navigate to the business from your left sidebar. Going to your character's name in the Job tablet at the top-left of the tablet will show your skills but more importantly, it'll show the current organizations you're a part of. The card and ATM-looking icon is your clocking in/out option and the person walking through a doorway is your leave the organization button.

While clocked in and viewing your business in its respective page in the Job Tablet, you’ll be able to deposit funds directly into the Organization. These funds will be taken directly from your players bank account.

While you’re in the Job Tablet, you’ll be able to toggle on and off the business map marker/blip through the dashboard. The map marker is so other players know your business is open when they view their maps.

If you were to walk off the premises and the “sensors” detect you’re the last person in the organization clocked on. The blip will automatically turn off after a certain amount of time. This is to make sure that players on the server aren’t seeing inactive businesses with nobody there.

If you have the ability to manage the organisation fleet, you’ll be able to adjust your vehicles to only be accessed by specific roles in your organization under the option “Fleet” from the organization menu, right below “Dashboard”. The roles generated in the dropdown under the column “Grade” are in order of the top being the lowest grade, while the highest grade is at the bottom of the list.

If you have the ability to manage the organisation fleet, you’ll be able to adjust your vehicles to only be accessed by specific roles in your organization under the option “Fleet” from the organization menu, right below “Dashboard”. The roles generated in the dropdown under the column “Grade” are in order of the top being the lowest grade, while the highest grade is at the bottom of the list. Screenshots to help take note of what it'll look like

Text to go here

Having a brick and mortar business allows you to have an on-site blip that you can toggle on and off.

  • gta/test_content_business.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/09 05:24
  • by nzstephenf